Illustration & Activity Submissions

Illustration and Activity Submissions

Teleion Books welcomes submissions of illustration samples and activity samples (e.g., connect-the-dots, find hidden objects, identify the differences, mazes, word search). Submitted materials will not be returned. We will keep submitted samples in our files and will contact you if we would like to discuss a potential project. 

Be sure to follow the submission guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines

We prefer receiving electronic submissions via the Submission Information and Upload form below. Uploading large files may take a moment, but please do not close the web-page until you receive a “Thank you” message confirming your submission.

We also accept submissions via e-mail and delivery of physical documents. If you submit via e-mail or delivery of physical documents, send only copies. Do not send originals. Include a cover letter containing the information requested below and be sure to keep a copy of all submitted documents. E-mailed submissions can be sent to See the Contact Us page for our mailing address.

 Illustration & Activity Sample File Content and Format:  

  1. File Content:  Submit a file containing 2-8 samples
  2. File type:  JPG, PNG, or a similar format (not docx)
  3. File name convention:  Illustrator Last Name_Illustrator First Name_Year Submitted

Submission Information and Upload

Please complete the following form before uploading a document.

2-8 sentences about Illustrator such as style of art, artistic experience, and education (including informal education). Please include a few names of published projects (if any).
Show the URL for a website that displays your work (if applicable).
Show the URL of a second website that displays your work (if applicable).
List all applicable social media links (if any).
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Send files in JPG, PNG, or a similar format (not .docx)